1·At the end of the blowoff period, a reverse procedure should be used.
2·I may also prepare a stylesheet that implements the reverse procedure: from XML schema to XMI.
3·In our consulting practice, we reverse the procedure.
4·Whether you use an open source, commercial, or custom compensation framework, you still must provide the method, SQL, or stored procedure to invoke to reverse the database update operations.
无论使用开源、商业还是自定义补偿框架,您都必须提供可以调用的方法、SQL 或存储过程来反转数据库更新操作。
5·Reverse the procedure described above for insertion into the service position.
6·When the third stored procedure fails, it triggers an event telling the compensation framework to reverse everything included in this compensation scope.
7·Procedure and the control of two dc motor are turning or reverse, thus making the car ahead, turn left, turn right or retreat, eventually make the black car along the trajectory.
8·Using reverse engineering procedure with control theory to analyze and identify, the mathematic model of dynamic performance was completed.
9·And because decode is a reverse direction procedure, which is more difficult and need more technique and experience, decoders are always advanced developer.
10·He successfully carries out this procedure on himself, but fails in his attempt to reverse the procedure.